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Results 1 - 115 of 115
16th and 17th Century Turning Points In U.S. History
The 16th and 17th Century Turning Points in U.S. History series chronicles 22 decisive events - chaptered into individual segments- in the crucial colonial period that would lead to the founding of the United States of America.
4 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History
18th Century Turning Points in U.S. History
As the 18th Century dawned on the North American continent, four powers; the French, the Spanish, the British and the American Indians were competing to see who would control this remarkable land. 64 pivotal events of this period are depicted.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes and 42 Supplemental Files
Released in 2003 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History
19th Century Turning Points in U.S. History
America entered the 19th Century an agricultural nation of 16 states and 5.3 million people. This series is made up of 55 stand-alone segments that highlight significant historical events, scientific milestones and cultural achievements
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 37 Supplemental Files
Released in 2002 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History
20th Century Turning Points in U.S. History
20th Century Turning Points in U.S. History is an eight-part series designed to provide a clear overview of the people and events that distinguished the 20th Century. 61 pivotal events and the people involved are examined at specific points in time.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 54 Supplemental Files
Released in 2004 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History
21st Century Turning Points in U.S. History (2000 - 2020)
21st Century Turning Points in U.S. History (2000 - 2020) takes students on an in depth look at the groundbreaking and culture changing events of the first decade of the 21st century.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 20 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History
Advanced Placement Human Geography: Making Sense of Planet Earth
This complete package introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of the Earth's surface.
9 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 11 Supplemental Files
Released in 2014 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Earth Science, Environmental Science, Social Studies, Anthropology, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Environmental, Political Science, U.S. Government, Science, Agriculture
Agricultural Science - Extended Interviews
In Extended Interviews Agricultural Science, seven leading experts comment on the history of the agricultural revolutions leading up to the amazing changes that are occurring from endless fields of corn and soybeans covering the Midwest, to wheat fields in the Great Plains, to the expansive rice patties of Asia, to the lush green mountains of coffee plantations in Central America, and to the abundant vegetable and fruit farms in California’s Central Valley.
7 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Chemistry, Economics
Alistair Cooke's America
British-American journalist and broadcaster Alistair Cooke narrates this 13-part television series about the United States and its history.
13 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 15 Supplemental Files
Released in 1973 and produced by BBC/Time Life Films
History, American History, Political Science, Social Studies
Alzheimer's: Insulin Resistance and Nutrition
6 million Americans are afflicted with Alzheimer’s, the most devastating of the diet related chronic diseases suddenly plaguing the modern Western world. After 75 years of failed research looking for a cure, there is now hope in the form of understanding the role of insulin resistance in the disease.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 2 Supplemental Files
Released in 2020 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
America: Discovery to Revolution
A six-part series that chronicles the role of the European settlers that led up to the Revolution.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2000 and produced by Cromwell
History, American History, Social Studies, American Indian Studies, Anthropology, Minority Achievement
America's National Monuments: Land of Geologic Wonders - The Pacific Northwest
First designated in 1906, America's National Monuments tell the story of the country.
11 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 20 Supplemental Files
Released in 2009 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Science, Biology, Core Science, Social Studies
America's National Monuments: Legacy of the Great Plains
First designated in 1906, America's National Monuments tell the story of the country.
10 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 22 Supplemental Files
Released in 2006 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Science, Social Studies
America's National Monuments: The Historic South
First designated in 1906, America's National Monuments tell the story of the country.
10 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 22 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Science, Social Studies
American Entrepreneurial Genius
American Entrepreneurial Genius is a remarkable 14 program series that explores the 400-year-old history of America's incomparable entrepreneurial spirit that shaped and advanced the country from the first settlement in Jamestown, to the globally dominant tech industry of the 21st century.
14 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 16 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement, Economics
Ancient History
Ancient History chronicles the world's greatest civilizations from 5,000 B.C. to 1500 A.D., revealing previously unknown aspects of these ancient peoples.
11 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 33 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, Ancient History, World History, American Indian Studies, Anthropology
The Arctic's Changing Climate and Economics
This astonishing and informative program, The Arctic's Changing Climate and Economics, explores the dramatic changes, brought about by climate change, to the Arctic's ecosystems, climate, geopolitics and economics.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 4 Supplemental Files
Released in 2014 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Environmental Science, Meteorology, Social Studies, American Indian Studies, Geography, Economics, Environmental, Political Science, Science, Core Science, Earth Science
Art of the Netherlands
Art of The Netherlands chronicles the life, times and work of true masters of the art world.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by Cromwell
Fine Arts, Art History
The Ascent of Man
An American Film Festival Award winner, this 13 volume series attempts a massive survey of science, from flint tools to the theory of relativity.
13 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 14 Supplemental Files
Released in 2006 and produced by The BBC
Social Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Ancient History, World History, Evolution
Nuclear physicist, professor Jim Al-Khalili, tells the story of the greatest scientific discovery ever - the discovery that everything is made of atoms.
3 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2010 and produced by Oxford Scientific Films for the BBC
Science, Core Science, Physical Science
The BBC Shakespeare Plays
Shakespeare is rightly called the world's greatest playwright for the soaring beauty of his language, for his profound insight into human nature, for the truths he dramatized and for the realism of the characters he created. He was, and remains, a superb entertainer.
37 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 39 Supplemental Files
Released in 1984 and produced by The BBC
English, English Literature, Shakespeare
Behavioral Science
In seven fascinating programs, Behavioral Science presents an overview of the science of human behavior. The series introduces behavioral science’s most important founders, delves into the multiple theories of human behavior and development, presents applied behavioral science’s many successes, and looks at intriguing subjects such as mental illness, memory, and addiction.
7 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 10 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Psychology, Medicine
Behavioral Science - Extended Interviews
Behavioral Science – Extended Interviews is a 24-part series that thoroughly looks at the complexities of behavior with the leading experts in the field.
24 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 26 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology
The Biology Classics
Understanding the amazing phenomena of life requires an intimate acquaintance with living things. This program introduces students to four classically studied organisms.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2006 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology
Branches on the Tree of Life
The narrated and image bank programs feature new techniques of microscopy, animation, and photography to reveal the structure, process, and behavior in living things.
16 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 44 Supplemental Files
Released in 2006 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology
Burt Wolf: What We Eat
This series examines the origin of regional agricultural products and their dissemination throughout the world.
13 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 14 Supplemental Files
Released in 2003 and produced by Acorn
History, World History, Agriculture
California is among the most unique regions of the world
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 14 Supplemental Files
Released in 2009 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Agriculture, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geology, Social Studies, American Indian Studies, Geography
Career Decisions: Nursing
Career Decisions: Nursing provides an invaluable guide to prospective nursing students. It covers how the modern nurse has become an integral part of the healthcare team, looks at what doctors and hospital administrators look for in their nursing candidates, reviews nursing school choices and finally paints a realistic picture of the rigors of nursing school.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Medicine, Nursing
Career Decisions: Nursing - Extended Interviews
In the series Career Decisions: Nursing - Extended Interviews, teachers, doctors, nurses and hospital administrators discuss the role of nurses and nursing as part of the modern health care team. In addition, these men and women talk about the opportunities for nurses in the 21st century as well nursing school choices, what doctors and hospitals are looking for in nurses and the challenges facing prospective nurses in school and professionally.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 10 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Medicine, Nursing
Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics
Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics presents an overview of a career choice in Nutrition and Dietetics.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2018 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Chemistry, Medicine
Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics - Professor Extended Interviews
Seven Professors from three major nutrition and dietetics schools in the country provide a primer of this exciting profession.
7 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2019 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics - Student Extended Interviews
Six students from two major nutrition and dietetics universities in the country provide insights into becoming, and participating in, nutrition/dietetics school.
3 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 4 Supplemental Files
Released in 2019 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Career Decisions: Physical Therapy
Career Decisions: Physical Therapy presents an overview of a career choice in physical therapy and what is needed to become a physical therapist, illustrating what makes the physical therapist a key component of the modern medical team.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Medicine
Career Decisions: Physical Therapy - Extended Interviews
Physical Therapy - Extended Interviews is a 10 part series that thoroughly covers the Physical Therapy career for prospective students.
10 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 12 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Medicine
Classical European Composers
A new musical biography series exploring the lives, works and influences of the world's greatest European Composers.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by Cromwell
History, World History, Fine Arts, Music History
The Complete History of U.S. Wars
Join George Kennedy as he takes us on this 300-year saga of The Complete History of U.S. Wars.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 30 Supplemental Files
Released in 2004 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Military History, Political Science
Connections 1
As the Sherlock Holmes of science, Burke tracks through 12,000 years of history for the clues that lead us to eight great life changing inventions-the atom bomb, telecommunications, the computer, the production line, jet aircraft, plastics, rocketry and television
10 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 11 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by The BBC
History, World History, Science, Social Studies
Core Astronomy
TPC TEASER Core Astronomy examines the key points in the development of astronomy, beginning with Greek astronomer Ptolemy's earth centered paradigm to Nicolas Copernicus' introduction of a sun centered solar system, and Isaac Newton's three laws of motion.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 5 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Astronomy, Physical Science
Core Biology
Journey through the major turning points in the Biological Sciences. Explore discoveries in Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, including current high profile issues such as Cellular Biology and Global Warming.
4 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 18 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Core Science
Core Chemistry
Presents how each branch of chemistry - physical, organic and biochemistry, evolved from a clear understanding of the principles and laws of chemical interactions. Future problems of energy, food, medicines and materials are the problems of chemistry.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 5 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Chemistry, Core Science
Core Geology
Especially in the 20th Century, the abundance and scarcity of valued resources propels the rise and fall of economic and political power of nations. Not since the discovery of gold in 1848 has the understanding of the world's geology been more important to the welfare of the nation.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 6 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Core Science, Earth Science, Geology, Physical Science
Core Meteorology
Meteorology, once the simple study of atmospheric events ... storms ... hurricanes ... tornadoes ... and temperature changes, has grown in the 21st century to include such disciplines as atmospheric chemistry and physics, climatology and global warming.
3 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 14 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Core Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geology, Meteorology
Core Physics Classical Physics
Physics is the study of the elemental constituents of the universe. It deals with matter, energy, forces, space and time. This program covers classical physics... the period which led to the Industrial Revolution and modern technology.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 10 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Core Science, Physical Science
Core Physics Modern Physics
This program covers modern physics ... The period of time which brought us new paradigms of how the universe works and our place in it.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 10 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Core Science, Physical Science
The Deadly Obesity Epidemic - Extended Interviews
Nine leading experts from scientific journalism, academia, nutritional science and medicine provide insights into the world wide obesity and diabetes epidemic.
9 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 10 Supplemental Files
Released in 2019 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
The Deadly Obesity Epidemic
The cost of the epidemic medically alone in the United States is put at $1 billion a day and growing. Fortunately, new scientific findings… new diets… new exercise programs are emerging.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 2 Supplemental Files
Released in 2019 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Agriculture, Biology, Medicine
Diabetes: Nutrition and Sugar
Type II diabetes barely existed 50 years ago. In the third decade of the 21st century, nearly 50% of Americans are suffering from pre-diabetes or debilitating full-blown type II diabetes. How did this happen? Surprising answers are now emerging.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 2 Supplemental Files
Released in 2020 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Diabetes: Nutrition and Sugar - Extended Interviews
Three leading experts from academia, nutritional science and medicine provide insights into the world wide type II diabetes epidemic. 
3 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 4 Supplemental Files
Released in 2020 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
The Domains of Life
The Domains of Life updates the five kingdoms classification scheme with the latest understanding of life's organization based on DNA, fossil, and biochemical evidence, reorganizing all life into three great branches: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. Concise animations and superb microscope footage of primitive cells show events that shaped life as we know it today.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 9 Supplemental Files
Released in 2006 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology
The Eisenhower Era
This 20 part series, The Eisenhower Era, presents the life and times of General Dwight David Eisenhower from the days just before the start of WWII to the end of his Presidency in 1961.
20 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 21 Supplemental Files
Released in 2013 and produced by Starbright Media
Political Science, U.S. Government, Economics, History, American History, Military History, World History
Eisenhower's Secret War
This two-part series, Eisenhower's Secret War, documents the military strategy, political decisions and foreign policy of Dwight David Eisenhower from 1950, when he was named Commander of NATO, to the end of his Presidency in 1961.
2 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2014 and produced by Starbright Media
History, American History, Military History, World History, Political Science, U.S. Government
The First Amendment in the 21st Century
Guided by the nation's top First Amendment scholars, this series brings into focus critical First Amendment issues in the technological world of the 21st century
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 62 Supplemental Files
Released in 2010 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Political Science, U.S. Government
Food and Agricultural Science
Advances in food and agricultural science are at the forefront of feeding the world’s over 7 billion people with nutritional food on a sustainable basis. This is the story told in this groundbreaking seven-part series.
7 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 9 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Economics, Science, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry
Food Systems- Extended Interviews
Food production, transportation, packaging and markets have become one giant global system that is constantly changing and evolving. Four experts in the field describe the forces in play in the global food system.
4 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 5 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Agriculture, Biology
Fracking: America's Energy Revolution
This enlightening series, Fracking: America's Energy Revolution, examines Fracking - the latest technological boom in America's oil industry.
2 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 6 Supplemental Files
Released in 2015 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Political Science, Science, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geology, Geography, Economics, Environmental
From Computers to Artificial Intelligence: A History
It took the Agricultural and Industrial revolutions nearly three centuries to transform the world, but the Digital Revolution has produced more change in the last 80 years than the other two combined. How this third revolution occurred is the riveting story told in this groundbreaking seven part series-- From Computers to Artificial Intelligence: A History.
7 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2021 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Economics
Genetic Science - Extended Interviews
No sector of the economy has benefited more from the genetic revolution, while at the same time, becoming highly controversial, than agriculture. Four pioneers in their field from Purdue University, University of California Davis, and the University of Florida described the genetic breakthroughs revolutionizing food production.
4 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 5 Supplemental Files
Released in 2018 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Economics
The Genius of African-American Dance
Featuring experts and transformative African American dance performers, the five part series, The Genius of African-American Dance, presents for the first time the amazing story of dance innovations of former enslaved people. Building on their African dance heritage, African American dance artists created the Cakewalk, Ragtime, the Charleston, Swing, the Twist, Disco, modern dance, Breakdancing and finally Afrofuturism’s glorification of the black body through dance.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 1 Supplemental Files
Released in 2023 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Fine Arts, Music History
The Genius of African-American Music
Featuring experts and transformative African-American artistic performers, the six part series, The Genius of African-American Music, presents for the first time the amazing story of struggle and triumph as former enslaved people, building on their African musical heritage, created spirituals, blues, Jazz, soul, rap and finally Afrofuturism musical genres.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 1 Supplemental Files
Released in 2022 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement, Fine Arts, Art History
The Genius of Latine Dance
Latine dance is more vibrant than ever, capturing hearts globally with its passion, rhythm, and connection. From lively Salsa to energetic Merengue, these dances embody Latine culture and history. Join us in "The Genius of Latine Dance," a five-part series chronicling over 500 years of extraordinary tradition, creativity, and the unstoppable rhythm of Latine dance!
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 1 Supplemental Files
Released in 2024 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
American History, American Indian Studies, Minority Achievement
The most powerful geologic force on the planet - glaciers. Glaciers can dominate an entire continent.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 4 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Earth Science, Geology
Glaciers and Ice Caps - The Melting
The change from a solid state, snow and ice, to a liquid state, water, makes the Arctic sensitive to climate change and introduces many dangerous positive feedback loops that can drive sudden detrimental climate shifts.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 4 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Earth Science, Geology, Meteorology
Global Warming: Science and Solutions
This series takes you through the Science of Global Warming and the Solutions. We need only to trust the science and work together to implement these solutions... solutions we can no longer afford to ignore.
2 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2006 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Political Science, Science, Biology, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Social Studies, Geography
Global Warming: The Rising Storm
How much irreversible change to our atmosphere has already occurred? Can we control the devastating effects that the burning fossil fuels will cause? If there is not an immediate global initiative to save the planet, what will the future hold?
2 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 5 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Political Science, Science, Biology, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Social Studies, Geography
Great African American Authors
This breakthrough eight part series, Great African American Authors, tells the amazing story of the evolution of the African American literary tradition in the United States from the founding of Jamestown to the first two decades of the 21st Century.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 13 Supplemental Files
Released in 2014 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, American Literature, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
Great African American Authors - Extended Interviews
In the series Great African American Authors - Extended Interviews, top African American scholars from across the country provide in-depth analysis of the lives and works of over 50 of the nation's greatest black novelists, playwrights, poets and essayists. In addition, the series provides an overview of the rich 400-year-old African American literary history, with spotlights on the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movement.
10 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 12 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, American Literature, History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
Great American Authors Since 1650
Featuring such greats as Poe ... Dickinson ... Twain ... Alcott ... Hemingway ... Wolfe ... Steinbeck ... Vonnegut and Morrison, this eight part series presents the lives and literary output of over 60 of America's most read authors.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 28 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, American Literature
Great Authors of the British Isles
Great Authors of the British Isles introduces the extraordinary body of English literature with such authors as Chaucer, Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, T. S. Eliot, J. K. Rowling and more.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 13 Supplemental Files
Released in 2013 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, English Literature, Shakespeare
The Great Directors: The Making of 21st Century Hollywood
The Great Directors: The Making of 21st Century Hollywood traces the evolution of Hollywood after the studio system failed, from the introduction of the summer blockbuster, to the thought-provoking movies of independent auteurs, to world renowned immigrant directors, to the rise of megahit documentaries, and to the 21st Century\'s second Golden Age of Animation.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 12 Supplemental Files
Released in 2013 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, American Literature, History, American History, Fine Arts, Film Studies
Great Irish Authors
This three-part series, Great Irish Authors, presents a clear and penetrating historical analysis of one of the greatest literary traditions in the world.
3 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2013 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, English Literature
Great Poets of the World
This insightful eight part series, Great Poets of the World, covers the greatest poets of the ages and their works from all over the world.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 13 Supplemental Files
Released in 2014 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, American Literature, English Literature, Shakespeare
Healing and the Mind
This stunning and unique five part series, Healing and the Mind, hosted by Bill Moyers, investigates the search for answers to perplexing questions: How do emotions translate into chemicals in our bodies? How do thoughts and feelings influence health? How can we collaborate with our bodies to encourage healing?
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 6 Supplemental Files
Released in 2015 and produced by Public Affairs TV
Science, Biology, Psychology, Medicine
Hidden Biodiversity
A close examination of the community of life within a pond or lake reveals adaptive structures and behaviors that promote survival of any number of species. This series of short videos illuminates the adaptive variations of ciliates, rotifers, water snails, water fleas and mosquitoes.
9 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 19 Supplemental Files
Released in 2014 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology, Environmental Science
A History of American Indian Achievement
Eight half-hour shows chronicle the story of American Indians ... Their magnificent civilizations and accomplishments.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 17 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, American Indian Studies, Anthropology, Minority Achievement
A History of Black Achievement in America
This original, nine-part series documents Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events.
9 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 25 Supplemental Files
Released in 2017 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
A History of Chinese American Achievement
Eight half-hour shows chronicle the story of Chinese Americans, their culture, their achievements, and their contributions to the United States
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 16 Supplemental Files
Released in 2009 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Asian Studies, Minority Achievement
A History of Civil Rights in America
For the first time, an eight part series presents America's unique 250 year experiment where remarkably, the rights of a citizen are grounded on the idea that all men are created equal.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 33 Supplemental Files
Released in 2011 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
U.S. Government, Social Studies, Minority Achievement, History, American History, Political Science, Constitutional History
A History of Equal Rights in America
This series recounts the significant advances and the ongoing effort to gain a clear and permanent guarantee of privileges for women and all economically disadvantaged groups.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 28 Supplemental Files
Released in 2011 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Political Science, Constitutional History, U.S. Government, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
A History of Great Playwrights
This five part series, A History of Great Playwrights, hosted by William Ambrose, founder of Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc., focuses on the rich literary tradition of the theater - its plays and playwrights, including such greats as Sophocles, Terence, William Shakespeare, Moliere, Henrik Ibsen, Eugene O\'Neill, Bertolt Brecht, and Tom Stoppard.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 9 Supplemental Files
Released in 2013 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, American Literature, English Literature, Shakespeare
A History of Hispanic Achievement in America
"A History of Hispanic Achievement in America" is a rich history that began 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in the new world.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 17 Supplemental Files
Released in 2006 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
A History of Jewish American Achievement
Eight half-hour shows chronicle the story of Jewish Americans, their culture, their achievements, and their contributions to the United States.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 12 Supplemental Files
Released in 2010 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
A History of the U.S. Constitution
This chronologically arranged, comprehensive series covers key events leading up to and following the creation of the U.S. Constitution. 47 segments show how this document has protected the American people from the abuses of power and tyranny.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 29 Supplemental Files
Released in 2005 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Political Science, Constitutional History, U.S. Government, Social Studies
The History of Western Art
This series presents a unique and masterly survey of the greatest achievements in the history of art from the Medieval era to the Post-Impressionist world
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2000 and produced by Cromwell
Fine Arts, Art History
A History of Women's Achievement in America
The unique and independent American woman: adventurer... pioneer... poet... mother... educator... artist... freedom fighter. A History of Women's Achievement in America examines the 400-year history of American women's inspiring accomplishments and victories.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 16 Supplemental Files
Released in 2005 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Social Studies, Minority Achievement
History's Ancient Legacies
Through the magic of 3D animation we can see how the Earth's ancient legacies would have looked in their heyday.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by Cromwell
Archaeology, History, Ancient History, World History, Social Studies
History's Ancient Legacies 2
Through the magic of 3D animation we can see how the Earth's ancient legacies would have looked in their heyday.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by Cromwell
History, Ancient History, World History, Social Studies, Archaeology
History's Ancient Legacies 3
Through the magic of 3D animation we can see how the Earth's ancient legacies would have looked in their heyday.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by Cromwell
History, Ancient History, World History, Social Studies, Archaeology
History's Turning Points I
The first thirteen part series on decisive moments in world history.
13 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 14 Supplemental Files
Released in 2002 and produced by Transatlantic
History, World History
History's Turning Points II
The second thirteen part series on decisive moments in world history.
13 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 14 Supplemental Files
Released in 2002 and produced by Transatlantic
History, World History
Hollywood's Greatest Directors
Hollywood's Greatest Directors is a five part series presenting America's unparalleled role in the creation of cinema.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 12 Supplemental Files
Released in 2013 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
English, English Literature, American History, Fine Arts, Film Studies
Human Geography: Making Sense of Planet Earth
Acclaimed geographer Alec Murphy presents significant discoveries, individuals, and theories that make human geography a cutting edge science in the 21st Century.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 10 Supplemental Files
Released in 2012 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Agriculture, Core Science, Earth Science, Social Studies, Geography, Economics
Inside the Living Cell
Students learn how cells carry out the fundamental processes of life. The menu structure offers over 30 learning chapters that can be discussed and repeated as needed to assure that everyone is up to speed on the content.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 11 Supplemental Files
Released in 2004 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology
Life After Oil: The New Energy Alternatives
The six alternative energies that will free us from dependence on foreign oil.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 4 Supplemental Files
Released in 2007 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Political Science, Science, Biology, Social Studies, Geography, Economics, Environmental
Life in Aquatic Environments
Modular presentation, stunning biological photography, and up-to-date learning design create a powerful teaching resource for the study of aquatic and marine life.
3 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 7 Supplemental Files
Released in 2009 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology, Environmental Science
The Living Planet
This ultimate guided tour of planet earth, educates as it entertains, and is led by one of the world's foremost natural scientists.
12 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 13 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by The BBC
Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science
The Long Search
The series gives a balanced treatment of the basic beliefs of the major religions in the world today.
13 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 14 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by BBC/Time Life Films
History, Ancient History, Philosophy, Religions
The Making of Mankind
Narrated by palaeo-anthropologist Richard Leakey, The Making of Mankind is a seven part series that charts the evolution of humankind from killer ape to tool maker.
7 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 9 Supplemental Files
Released in 1982 and produced by The BBC
Science, Evolution, Social Studies, Anthropology
Measuring the Earth's Temperature
Starting with temperature records collected over 100 years ago, Measuring the Earth's Temperature takes the viewer from the earliest weather stations and balloon launches, to a network of super weather stations constructed in the 21st century. Measuring the Earth's Temperature simplifies the centuries of complex meteorological data, and answers the question "How do scientists know the temperature of the earth?"
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2010 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Core Science, Earth Science, Meteorology
Miracle of the Human Body
The human body with its interconnected systems is the most advanced structure in the known universe. It is a marvel of biomechanical engineering. World renowned surgeon, Dr. Mark Reisman, guides the viewer through each of the body's major systems, using the most advanced medical imaging, 3-D graphics and cadaver footage. Each program reveals the anatomy and physiology of a particular system in a way never seen before and clearly relates its functioning to our everyday life. The result is a whole
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 17 Supplemental Files
Released in 2010 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Core Science, Medicine, Nursing
The Neuroscience of Addiction - Extended Interviews
The Neuroscience of Addiction – Extended Interviews is a 13-part series that delves into the complexities of addiction with the leading experts in the field.
13 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 15 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Chemistry, Core Science, Evolution, Psychology, Social Studies, Sociology, Medicine
The Neuroscience of Addiction
An incredible five part series, The Neuroscience of Addiction delves into the greatest social scourge of the 21st Century - addiction. The series defines the brain's role in addiction, how drugs of abuse hijack the brain making us more susceptible to addictive behavior, how addictive behavior affects our brains, our lives and our entire culture, and how breakthroughs in neuroscience are paving the way to new treatments for addiction.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2015 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Medicine
Neuroscience: Understanding the Brain
This incredible five part series, Neuroscience: Understanding the Brain, investigates the last and greatest frontier of science, the astonishing world of the human brain.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2015 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Medicine
Neuroscience: Understanding the Brain - Extended Interviews
Neuroscience: Understanding the Brain - Extended Interviews is a 14-part series that takes the viewer in depth with the leading brain experts from America's top research institutions.
14 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 16 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Biology, Core Science, Medicine, Nursing
Nutrition Science - Extended Interviews
Nutritional Science, one of the youngest sciences, draws upon chemistry, biology and the social sciences to understand complex relationships between human health and well-being. Also, food and lifestyle patterns, food and agricultural systems and institutional environments. Ten leading experts expand on these relationships.
10 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 11 Supplemental Files
Released in 2018 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics
The Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is one of the most extraordinary regions of the United States
3 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 9 Supplemental Files
Released in 2008 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
American History, Social Studies, Geography
Physical Geography: Making Sense of Planet Earth
Acclaimed geographer Alec Murphy presents significant discoveries, individuals, and theories that have led to physical geography becoming one of the leading sciences of the 21st century.
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 10 Supplemental Files
Released in 2012 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Science, Core Science, Earth Science, Geology, Social Studies, Geography
Radical Islam: A Historical Perspective
In order to better understand the acts of terrorism originating in the Middle East and their impact on the West, Radical Islam: A Historical Perspective's remarkable two-part series examines the rise of radical Islamic movements by tracing the history of this complex and beautiful religion, founded 1,400 years ago on the Arabian peninsula, and following its growth and history to the present day.
2 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 5 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, World History, Political Science, Social Studies, Asian Studies, Geography, Philosophy, Religions
Radical Islam: A Historical Perspective - Extended Interviews
In the series Radical Islam: A Historical Perspective - Extended Interviews, top Islamic scholars from across the world provide in-depth analysis of the origins of radical Islam.
6 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2016 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, World History, Philosophy, Religions
Railroads in U.S. History (1830-2010)
4 half-hour programs tell the exciting saga of America's Railroads and how they led America to become the greatest industrial nation on the planet.
4 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 13 Supplemental Files
Released in 2010 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
History, American History, Political Science, Social Studies, Economics
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
This 12 part series presents skillful, short adaptations of the Bard's best loved plays.
12 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 13 Supplemental Files
Released in 2004 and produced by S4C Rhyngwladol CYF/BBC
English, English Literature, Shakespeare
The Shock of the New
Robert Hughes' history of Modern Art from Cubism to Pop and the Avant-Garde
8 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 9 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by The BBC
History, World History, Fine Arts, Art History
Ten Who Dared
This amazing ten part series, Ten Who Dared, dramatizes the journeys of ten intrepid explorers whose ambitious and heroic adventures changed the landscape of the unknown world, sorting fact from fiction, myth from reality
10 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 11 Supplemental Files
Released in 1990 and produced by BBC/Time Life Films
History, American History, World History, Social Studies, Anthropology
Termites: The Secret Queens of the Woodlands
A close examination of the community of life within a pond or lake reveals adaptive structures and behaviors that promote survival of any number of species. This series of short videos illuminates the adaptive variations of ciliates, rotifers, water snails, water fleas and mosquitoes.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2014 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology, Environmental Science
Visualizing Cell Processes
Each 15 minute video program is a series of short, narrated, full-motion modules each describing an essential process of cell biology.
5 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 11 Supplemental Files
Released in 2001 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology
Visualizing Human Physiology
In this program, the complex physiological system of the human body are introduced - muscular movement, digestion, circulation, respiration, nerves, glands, immunity, reproduction and more.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 3 Supplemental Files
Released in 2010 and produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Science, Biology, Medicine
When the Water Tap Runs Dry
America no longer has enough water to support the ever increasing demand, and now America is facing a water shortage crisis.
1 Full Video Programs
Includes Closed Captions and 8 Supplemental Files
Released in 2009 and produced by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Environmental Science, Geology, Economics, Environmental, History, American History, Political Science, Earth Science
Results 1 - 115 of 115