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Status Resource Name Producer Series Page Primary Subject Poster ID
16TH 16th and 17th Century Turning Points In U.S. History Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 4 History 16TH.jpg 1
18TP 18th Century Turning Points in U.S. History Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 5 History 18TP.jpg 110
19TP 19th Century Turning Points in U.S. History Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 6 History 19TP.jpg 407
20TP 20th Century Turning Points in U.S. History Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 7 History 20TP.jpg 664
21TP 21st Century Turning Points in U.S. History (2000 - 2020) Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 59 History 21TP.jpg 8724
AHG Advanced Placement Human Geography: Making Sense of Planet Earth Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 82 Social Studies AHG.jpg 18210
FAX Agricultural Science - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 150 Science FAX.jpg 51001
AM Alistair Cooke's America BBC/Time Life Films 74 History AM.jpg 17222
ALZ Alzheimer's: Insulin Resistance and Nutrition Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 164 Medicine ALZ.jpg 51004
ADR America: Discovery to Revolution Cromwell 29 History ADR.jpg 5195
NM3 America's National Monuments: Land of Geologic Wonders - The Pacific Northwest Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 58 History NM3.jpg 8597
NM America's National Monuments: Legacy of the Great Plains Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 43 History NM.jpg 5697
NM2 America's National Monuments: The Historic South Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 44 History NM2.jpg 5862
ENT American Entrepreneurial Genius Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 138 History ENT.jpg 18972
AH Ancient History Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 8 History AH.jpg 949
ARC The Arctic's Changing Climate and Economics Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 98 Social Studies ARC.jpg 18553
AN Art of the Netherlands Cromwell 30 Fine Arts AN.jpg 5224
AOM The Ascent of Man The BBC 9 History AOM.jpg 1234
ATM Atom Oxford Scientific Films for the BBC 65 Science ATM.jpg 15606
SH The BBC Shakespeare Plays The BBC 24 English SH.jpg 2633
BHS Behavioral Science Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 141 Science BHS.jpg 18974
BHX Behavioral Science - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 146 Science BHX.jpg 18978
BCL The Biology Classics BioMEDIA Associates 129 Science BCL.jpg 18594
BBT Branches on the Tree of Life BioMEDIA Associates 120 Science BBT.jpg 18675
WWE Burt Wolf: What We Eat Acorn 51 History WWE.jpg 6301
CAL California Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 56 History CAL.jpg 8379
NRS Career Decisions: Nursing Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 133 Science NRS.jpg 18951
NRX Career Decisions: Nursing - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 140 Medicine NRX.jpg 18963
DN Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 154 Economics DN.jpg 18984
NPX Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics - Professor Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 161 Medicine NPX.jpg 18989
NSX Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics - Student Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 159 Medicine NSX.jpg 18987
PT Career Decisions: Physical Therapy Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 144 Medicine PT.jpg 18976
PTX Career Decisions: Physical Therapy - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 145 Medicine PTX.jpg 18977
CEC Classical European Composers Cromwell 31 History CEC.jpg 5253
USW The Complete History of U.S. Wars Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 26 History USW.jpg 3007
CN Connections 1 The BBC 18 History CN.jpg 1943
CA Core Astronomy Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 11 Science CA.jpg 1520
CB Core Biology Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 12 Science CB.jpg 1561
CC Core Chemistry Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 13 Science CC.jpg 1698
CG Core Geology Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 15 Science CG.jpg 1760
CM Core Meteorology Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 16 Science CM.jpg 1797
CCP Core Physics Classical Physics Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 14 Science CCP.jpg 1727
CMP Core Physics Modern Physics Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 17 Science CMP.jpg 1910
OBX The Deadly Obesity Epidemic - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 158 Economics OBX.jpg 18986
OBD The Deadly Obesity Epidemic Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 156 Economics OBD.jpg 18985
DNS Diabetes: Nutrition and Sugar Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 162 Economics DNS.jpg 51002
DNX Diabetes: Nutrition and Sugar - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 163 Economics DNX.jpg 51003
BDL The Domains of Life BioMEDIA Associates 135 Science BDL.jpg 18827
EIS The Eisenhower Era Starbright Media 80 History EIS.jpg 18105
ESW Eisenhower's Secret War Starbright Media 81 History ESW.jpg 18195
FAA The First Amendment in the 21st Century Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 67 History FAA.jpg 16074
FAS Food and Agricultural Science Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 147 Science FAS.jpg 18979
FFX Food Systems- Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 149 Science FFX.jpg 18980
FRA Fracking: America's Energy Revolution Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 99 History FRA.jpg 18560
CAI From Computers to Artificial Intelligence: A History Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 201 Economics CAI.jpg 51006
FGX Genetic Science - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 151 Science FGX.jpg 18982
AAD The Genius of African-American Dance Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 204 Fine Arts AAD.jpg 51008
AAM The Genius of African-American Music Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 203 Fine Arts AAM.jpg 51007
LAD The Genius of Latine Dance Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 205 History LAD.jpg 51009
GL Glaciers Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 33 Science GL.jpg 5315
GLI Glaciers and Ice Caps - The Melting Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 34 Science GLI.jpg 5348
GW Global Warming: Science and Solutions Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 20 Social Studies GW.jpg 2225
GW2 Global Warming: The Rising Storm Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 21 Social Studies GW2.jpg 2314
AAA Great African American Authors Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 87 History AAA.jpg 18389
AAX Great African American Authors - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 134 English AAX.jpg 18940
GAA Great American Authors Since 1650 Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 19 English GAA.jpg 1988
GBA Great Authors of the British Isles Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 78 English GBA.jpg 17834
MCH The Great Directors: The Making of 21st Century Hollywood Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 84 History MCH.jpg 18318
GIA Great Irish Authors Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 79 English GIA.jpg 18083
GPW Great Poets of the World Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 97 English GPW.jpg 18493
HMD Healing and the Mind Public Affairs TV 126 Science HMD.jpg 18870
BHB Hidden Biodiversity BioMEDIA Associates 121 Science BHB.jpg 18860
AIA A History of American Indian Achievement Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 28 History AIA.jpg 4986
BLA A History of Black Achievement in America Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 10 History BLA.jpg 1291
HCA A History of Chinese American Achievement Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 55 History HCA.jpg 7786
CRA A History of Civil Rights in America Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 68 History CRA.jpg 16462
ERA A History of Equal Rights in America Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 70 History ERA.jpg 16702
HGP A History of Great Playwrights Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 85 English HGP.jpg 18353
HHA A History of Hispanic Achievement in America Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 22 History HHA.jpg 2391
JAA A History of Jewish American Achievement Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 61 History JAA.jpg 12786
USC A History of the U.S. Constitution Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 25 History USC.jpg 2782
HWA The History of Western Art Cromwell 39 Fine Arts HWA.jpg 5529
WA A History of Women's Achievement in America Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 27 History WA.jpg 3236
HAL History's Ancient Legacies Cromwell 36 History HAL.jpg 5442
HAL2 History's Ancient Legacies 2 Cromwell 37 History HAL2.jpg 5471
HAL3 History's Ancient Legacies 3 Cromwell 38 History HAL3.jpg 5500
TP History's Turning Points I Transatlantic 49 History TP.jpg 6187
TP2 History's Turning Points II Transatlantic 50 History TP2.jpg 6244
HGD Hollywood's Greatest Directors Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 83 History HGD.jpg 18281
HG Human Geography: Making Sense of Planet Earth Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 77 Social Studies HG.jpg 17574
BIL Inside the Living Cell BioMEDIA Associates 122 Science BIL.jpg 18643
LAO Life After Oil: The New Energy Alternatives Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 23 Social Studies LAO.jpg 2604
BAE Life in Aquatic Environments BioMEDIA Associates 119 Science BAE.jpg 18601
LP The Living Planet The BBC 41 Science LP.jpg 5587
LS The Long Search BBC/Time Life Films 42 History LS.jpg 5640
MM The Making of Mankind The BBC 75 Social Studies MM.jpg 17310
MET Measuring the Earth's Temperature Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 66 Science MET.jpg 15974
MHB Miracle of the Human Body Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 60 Science MHB.jpg 8779
NOX The Neuroscience of Addiction - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 143 Science NOX.jpg 18975
NOA The Neuroscience of Addiction Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 130 Science NOA.jpg 18887
NEU Neuroscience: Understanding the Brain Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 100 Science NEU.jpg 18571
NEX Neuroscience: Understanding the Brain - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 131 Science NEX.jpg 18922
FNX Nutrition Science - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 153 Science FNX.jpg 18983
PN The Pacific Northwest Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 46 History PN.jpg 6036
PG Physical Geography: Making Sense of Planet Earth Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 76 Social Studies PG.jpg 17342
ISL Radical Islam: A Historical Perspective Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 127 History ISL.jpg 18911
ISX Radical Islam: A Historical Perspective - Extended Interviews Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 139 History ISX.jpg 18956
RUH Railroads in U.S. History (1830-2010) Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 63 History RUH.jpg 13934
SHA Shakespeare: The Animated Tales S4C Rhyngwladol CYF/BBC 72 English SHA.jpg 17010
SN The Shock of the New The BBC 47 History SN.jpg 6129
TDD Ten Who Dared BBC/Time Life Films 128 History TDD.jpg 18876
BTR Termites: The Secret Queens of the Woodlands BioMEDIA Associates 123 Science BTR.jpg 18839
BVC Visualizing Cell Processes BioMEDIA Associates 124 Science BVC.jpg 18780
BVH Visualizing Human Physiology BioMEDIA Associates 125 Science BVH.jpg 18630
WT When the Water Tap Runs Dry Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications 57 History WT.jpg 8575