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A History of the U.S. Constitution

This chronologically arranged, comprehensive series covers key events leading up to and following the creation of the U.S. Constitution. 47 segments show how this document has protected the American people from the abuses of power and tyranny.
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Full Title (includes all individual Programs)
Streaming License includes all individual programs listed below, as well as downloadable supplemental files.
USC $220.00/yr
Individual ProgramsSKUTermPrice
The Seeds of the Constitution
  • 1619 - Virginia Colonists Create the First Legislative Assembly
  • 1733 - Parliament Restricts Free Trade Through the Molasses Act
  • 1735 - The Peter Zenger Trial lays the seed for Freedom of the Press
  • 1739 - Black Uprising in South Carolina Foreshadows Constitutional Crisis
  • 1739 - The Great Awakening and the Separation of Church and State
USC-001 $27.50/yr
Founding the Constitution
  • 1750 - Iron Act Restricts American Business
  • 1754 - The Albany Plan of Union Sets Out the Foundation for the U.S. Constitution
  • 1760 - James Otis Fights for the Security of People in Their Homes
  • 1765 - The Stamp Act and Taxation Without Representation
  • 1774 - The Quartering Act Leads to the Third Amendment
  • 1774 - Massachusetts Creates the Minutemen Militia
USC-002 $27.50/yr
Writing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
  • 1774 - First Continental Congress Meets in Philadelphia
  • 1776 - Declaration of Independence
  • 1786 - Shay's Rebellion Shows the Need for a New Constitution
  • 1787 - The United States Constitution is Written
  • 1788 - Congress Sends 12 Amendments to the States
  • 1789 - Alexander Hamilton Shapes America's Modern Industrial Economy
  • 1791 - States Ratify Madison's Bill of Rights
USC-003 $27.50/yr
Testing the Constitution
  • 1793 - Congress Enacts a Fugitive Slave Act
  • 1794 - Congress Passes the 11th Amendment Protecting States Rights
  • 1794 - Freedom to Protest is Tested in the Whiskey Rebellion
  • 1796 - John Adams Becomes the Second President of the United States Inaugurating the Two - party system
  • 1798 - Alien and Sedition Acts Usher in a Bleak Period of American Political Freedom
  • 1803 - John Marshall Establishes a Strong Supreme Court Through Marbury v. Madison
USC-004 $27.50/yr
The Constitution Survives
  • 1810 - Marshall Establishes the Sanctity of Contracts
  • 1828 - Jacksonian Democracy and the Constitution
  • 1848 - Mexican American War and Manifest Destiny Set up America's Greatest Constitutional Crisis
  • 1861 - Southern States Secede and Force Constitutional Crisis
USC-005 $27.50/yr
The Constitution is Expanded
  • 1865 - 70 - 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments : The Anti - Slavery Amendments
  • 1872 - Susan B. Anthony Fights for Women's Right to Vote
  • 1887 - The Interstate Commerce Act Opens the Door for Increased Federal Power
  • 1896 - Plessy v. Ferguson Establishes Separate but Equal for Black America
  • 1913 - 16th Amendment Creates the Income Tax
  • 1913 - 17th Amendment Allows for the Popular Election of Senators
  • 1918 - Prohibition and the 18th Amendment
USC-006 $27.50/yr
The Constitution in a Changing World
  • 1919 - The Supreme Court Limits Free Speech and Freedom of the Press in Schenck v. U.S.
  • 1920 - Women Gain the Right to Vote Through the 19th Amendment
  • 1933 - 20th and 21st New Deal Amendments Herald a Change in American Life
  • 1951 - Americans Limit a President to Two Terms with the 22nd Amendment
  • 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education Ends "Separate but Equal" for Black America
  • 1961 - Citizens of Washington D.C. Gain the Right to Vote with the 23rd Amendment
USC-007 $27.50/yr
Constitutional Reform and Controversy
  • 1961 - Supreme Court Prevents Illegal Search and Seizure with Mapp v. Ohio
  • 1964 - Warren Court Strengthens "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" Through Miranda
  • 1964 - 24th Amendment Prohibits Poll Taxes in Federal Elections
  • 1967 - 1992 - The 25th, 26th and 27th Amendments Reform America's Political Landscape
  • 1973 - Roe v. Wade Extends Constitutional Right of Privacy
  • 2000 - America Contests a Presidential Election
USC-008 $27.50/yr