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Visualizing Human Physiology

In this program, the complex physiological system of the human body are introduced - muscular movement, digestion, circulation, respiration, nerves, glands, immunity, and reproduction. The cellular basis of life, and the importance of carbon in organic chemistry are illustrated and explained.
  • Title ID 125-BVH
  • Science, Biology, Medicine
  • 1 Program
  • 3 Supplemental Files
  • 10th Grade through Post Secondary
  • Published by BioMEDIA Associates
Included Programs
Supplemental Files

Included Programs

Visualizing Human PhysiologyRunning time is 16 minutes

Chapter List
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Human Machine
Human beings, life every living organism, are driven by two inherent needs - to survive, and ultimately, to reproduce - that is - to pass our genes on to the future of our species. To accomplish the goals of survival and reproduction we have inherited bodies finely crafted by evolution so that every one of us, every individual human organism, is an organic super factory - a living matching made up of systems that process fuel, build products, repair damage expel waste, and defend against invade
Chapter 2: The Cellular Nature of the Human Machine
The molecules that make up living things are all based on carbon. Such molecules are identified as organic. This chapter describes the four organic molecules that form the elemental cellular structures and chemical processes of the human body: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Chapter 3: An Overview of Physiological Systems
This overview of the physiological systems covers circulation, digestion, hormones, immunity, skin, nerves, skeleton, muscles, and reproduction.
Chapter 4: Circulation
This chapter presents human circulation.
Chapter 5: Digestion
This chapter presents digestion in the human being.
Chapter 6: Hormones
This chapter presents hormones in the human being.
Chapter 7: Immunity
This chapter presents immunity in the human being.
Chapter 8: Skeleton and Muscles
This chapter presents the skeleton and muscles in the human being.
Chapter 9: Skin
This chapter presents the largest organ of the human body--skin.
Chapter 10: Reproduction
This chapter presents human reproduction.

Supplemental Files

MARC Records for BVH
MARC records for the series Visualizing Human Physiology
Visualizing Human Physiology - Study Guide
Transcription for Visualizing Human Physiology