Core Meteorology

Meteorology, once the simple study of atmospheric events ... Storms ... hurricanes ... tornadoes ... And temperature changes, has grown in the 21st century to include such disciplines as atmospheric chemistry and physics, climatology and global warming.
  • Title ID 16-CM
  • Science, Biology, Core Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geology, Meteorology
  • 3 Programs
  • 14 Supplemental Files
  • 10th Grade through Post Secondary
  • Published by Ambrose Video Publishing Inc./Centre Communications
Included Programs
Supplemental Files

Included Programs

Core Meteorology: AtmosphereRunning time is 28 minutes

Meteorology is an, Earth science which examines weather Dynamics and the atmosphere.

Chapter List
Atmospheres in the Solar System
Composition of the Earth's Atmosphere
Structure of the Earth's Atmosphere
Atmosphere and Solar Radiation
Atmospheric Conduction and Convection
Atmospheric Balancing
Hydrological Cycle
The Carbon Cycle
The Atmosphere and Change

Core Meteorology: ClimatesRunning time is 28 minutes

Meteorology, Climate studies, Weather Dynamics are all part of Earth sciences.

Chapter List
What are Climates?
Climates and People
Measuring Global Temperatures and Precipitation
Climates and Weather Extremes
Climate Types
Climates and Biomes
Climate Change and Biomes
Climate Change and People

Core Meteorology: WeatherRunning time is 27 minutes

Meteorology is part of Earth Sciences and examines Weather Dynamics as well as Atmospheric structure and dynamics.

Chapter List
What is Weather?
Measuring Weather Variables
What Causes Weather?
Weather Forecasting
Hazardous Weather
Global Warming and Weather

Supplemental Files

Atmosphere Temperature Gradiant
Core Meteorology- Atmosphere Instructors Guide
Core Meteorology- Atmosphere Quiz
Core Meteorology- Climates Instructors Guide
Core Meteorology- Climates Quiz
Core Meteorology- Weather Instructors Guide
Core Meteorology- Weather Quiz
Greenhouse Effect Chart
Jet Streams
Planetary Gas Giants
The Greenhouse Effect
Transcription for Core Meteorology: Atmosphere
Transcription for Core Meteorology: Climates
Transcription for Core Meteorology: Weather


"These films explore meteorology from three interrelated aspects, providing a thorough understanding of what meteorology is, how it works, and its impact on our daily lives... pictorial representations allow the rather complex subject to be understood by a wide range of viewers. The formatting of the content for the entire series is well suited for classroom instruction, as each segment is divided into concise chapters. Clear connections are made between current meteorological phenomena and human influence."
School Library Journal